Exhibition Mounting/
Installation des objets dans   l'exposition

A method of safe mounting of the object will be developed in conjunction with the museum staff and applied if so desired. The method will take into account the material being used as well as appropriate support for the object.

Une méthode de montage sera développée avec les responsables du musée et le montage sera effectué si souhaité.

Work completed / Références
1991: Die Klangwelt Mozarts, Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente, Vienna, Austria
1997: Ringve 1000, Ringve Museum, Trondheim, Norway
1999: Museum in the barn, Ringve Museum, Trondheim, Norway
2000: Livsbilder, Sverresborg Trøndelag Museum, Trondheim, Norway
2000: Alt med god tone, Ringve Museum, Trondheim, Norway
2001: Musikk på frimerker, Ringve Museum, Trondheim, Norway
2002: Victoria! Ringve Museum, Trondheim, Norway
2002: Lystgårdene på Lade, Ringve Museum, Trondheim, Norway
2002: Japan 2002, Ringve Museum, Trondheim, Norway
2003: Bare Bull, Ringve Museum, Trondheim, Norway
2004: Stratocaster- Konge blant el-gitarer, Ringve Museum, Trondheim, Norway

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